Category about

We are up and running!

Lupita the Coyote and me will be writing some stuff with me about Coding, AWS, and all the things we think about that can be interesting to do a brain...

Category aws

Bastions EC2 Instance to provide access to VPC private areas

What is a Bastion Machine? Apart from a very fancy name, using simple words, a Bastion Machine is a machine that lives in a public subnet, being accessible from outside...

Referencing external stacks in Cloud Formation

CloudFormation is a great tool, and the whole idea of Infrastructure as Code as a developer, it is simply brilliant, you can play with all the stuff, and then, you...

Private subnets, do I need a NAT Gateway?

In this post, that is the third in the series of 3 about Subnets, we will cover Public Subnets. We call Public Subnet to a Subnet that has available access...

Public subnets and Internet Access

In this post, that is the second in the series of 3 about Subnets, we will cover Public Subnets. We call Public Subnet to a Subnet that has available access...

Public and Private Subnets, introduction

This is the first post of a series of 3 where we are going to go through the Basics of Subnetting in AWS where we will cover, in a very...

Cloudformation Basics

In this post we are going to see how to design a basic network for our company, we have several options to do it, one, for example, is to use...

Set up environments with AWS Organizations

So, our use case is the following, Lupita just registered her AWS account because she wants to start her own Gaming Company, the first thing she realised she want to...

Category cloudformation

Referencing external stacks in Cloud Formation

CloudFormation is a great tool, and the whole idea of Infrastructure as Code as a developer, it is simply brilliant, you can play with all the stuff, and then, you...

Cloudformation Basics

In this post we are going to see how to design a basic network for our company, we have several options to do it, one, for example, is to use...

Category networks

Bastions EC2 Instance to provide access to VPC private areas

What is a Bastion Machine? Apart from a very fancy name, using simple words, a Bastion Machine is a machine that lives in a public subnet, being accessible from outside...

Private subnets, do I need a NAT Gateway?

In this post, that is the third in the series of 3 about Subnets, we will cover Public Subnets. We call Public Subnet to a Subnet that has available access...

Public subnets and Internet Access

In this post, that is the second in the series of 3 about Subnets, we will cover Public Subnets. We call Public Subnet to a Subnet that has available access...

Public and Private Subnets, introduction

This is the first post of a series of 3 where we are going to go through the Basics of Subnetting in AWS where we will cover, in a very...

Networks and CIDR notation

One of the things, as a developer, that I found when working with AWS and CloudFormation, was that a lot of the knowledge I used to have about a lot...

Category vpn

Setting up WireGuard client in a LightSail instance

In this post, we will see how we can create a cheap Lightsail instance and then connected to our network using our WireGuard VPN Client. This way we will be...

Setting up WireGuard in a EC2 Machine to create a VPN with your VPC

So you already have a VPC that has been created by AWS for your, then you have created some Subnets there, and then you have an Internet Gateway in your...

Category lightsail

Setting up WireGuard client in a LightSail instance

In this post, we will see how we can create a cheap Lightsail instance and then connected to our network using our WireGuard VPN Client. This way we will be...

Category CI/CD

Running Jenkins in a cheap Lighsail instance

In this post we are going to create a Jenkins machine, instead of starting from the very scratch, we are going to use the machine we created and hooked up...

Category Serverless

Serverless KDSL

Serverless KDSL is a Library we are using in SuprGames, and we decided to provide as OpenSource so everybody can use it, because it is helping us a lot.

Serverless Framework, a very informal presentation

We mentioned in the introductory post about Serverless Architecture that I use Serverless Framework. In this post, we are going to see a very informal presentation about why I use...

An introduction to Serverless Architecture, How-to's

Today I want to start a small set of posts, very “How To” oriented about what I have been working in the last months and really make me think that...

Category Serverless-KDSL

Serverless KDSL

Serverless KDSL is a Library we are using in SuprGames, and we decided to provide as OpenSource so everybody can use it, because it is helping us a lot.